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A member registered Dec 04, 2021

Recent community posts

any designated date for the public release?

Is there any news when the 0.54 update will be put on here for everyone?

I meant public for everyone

Anyone got any idea when 0.54 will be released?

For the people that can see the .54 update patreon post, how long is the demo that was provided?

I hope this Keisuke update releases soon, my mind is under stress and this game is hella relaxing

Man, I'm just waiting for this Keisuke update then that is all I'll play for a while

I've been checking this website every like 5 hours waiting for the update man, the suspense is killing me

Cannot wait for the update to be released aaa

Hell yea

So the next update still coming out for free like usual right?

WOTB, there is no need to apologize, while I did have my fears of the game being cancelled, I always assumed that you had something personal going on so I kept saying "they need their time."

I'm glad you're back but I do hope everything in your life will soon get back on track



I'm genuinely scared since there's not been any status updates here, or on patreon or on the twitter accounts.

I don't want this VN to be cancelled :(

God I cannot wait for the next Keisuke update

I fell in love with him